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Thanyarak Foundation

  • Background of the Breast Cancer Initiative Under the Royal Aspiration of Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra
  • Breast cancer is currently discovered to have a greater incidence and mortality rate throughout the world. The main reasons for the disease have yet to be found. This makes it difficult for women to prevent breast cancer, and treatment technology is still not ideal and readily available. As a result, appropriate and regular breast examinations are required to discover troubling cancers at an early stage and allow for effective therapy. As a result, providing Thai women with how to undertake breast self-examinations (Breast Self-Early Detection Early Protection) is critical in a developing country where expensive medical technology is still unavailable.

    Thanyarak Foundation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, has organized the breast self-examination campaign to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra's birth, by conducting training for community health volunteers. In recognition of this alarming trend, Thai women are being diagnosed with breast cancer at an increasing rate, even as young as under 35 years old. Therefore, "the Breast Cancer Initiative Under the Royal Aspiration of Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra" was established. A working committee has been appointed, with Dr. Vallop Thaineua, a Princess Mother's Medical Volunteer Foundation board member and advisor to the Thanyarak Foundation, as the chairman. The initiative designated appropriate operational areas for systematic long-term follow-up. This aims to obtain qualitative data to guide effective breast cancer prevention for Thai women. This accords with Her Royal Highness' desire to protect Thai women from the rising threat of breast cancer, which has a substantial impact on their quality of life. As a result, supporting the collaborative efforts of all agencies is critical to delivering Her Royal Highness's unwavering commitment.